Be part of our mission.​
Get the life-affirming message out to the world by connecting Life Culture to your classroom, club, campus, workplace, or church. Book a Life Culture Speaker today.

Give a gift.​
Your gift can help save a life.
Your gift can help a woman in crisis, empower families and communities, educate the new generation.
Your gift will make a difference.

Promote a Culture of Life.
Restoring the value of life begins with each one of us. Here are some things you can do to Speak for Life.
Care for Others. People need others to care. Care about women, care about babies, care about the elderly, care about the sick, care about the disabled.
Equip Yourself. Understanding that life is precious, and learning how to provide life affirming support to others, will give you more confidence to Speak for Life.
Start at Home. Talk to your children about the value of life and teach them to be compassionate and caring people.
Inspire Your Community. Encourage the communities you are a part of to Speak for Life and be a caring and safe place for those at the beginning to the end of life.
Every life has a purpose.
Let's work together to restore the value of life in Canada.