"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." Isaiah 1:17 NLT

Does God Speak Today?
Until about a few years ago, I would have said ‘sure’ pretty reluctantly. My answer would probably have been “Yes, God speaks to others but not really to me.” I would celebrate with my Christian friends who heard God’s prompting so clearly and I was genuinely excited for them. I would long for that kind of closeness and personal connection to God. I felt sheepish because I believed the Bible to be true and it says clearly that He speaks. Maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe I had some unconfessed sin in my life, maybe my faith was just too small… I wasn’t really sure.
So what changed a few years ago?
I started to experience how God passionately pursues those He loves! It probably started as a small whisper, which turned into a quiet knock, which turned into a spiritual car-crash moment that I couldn’t divert my eyes from.
Little by little, in ways only our ingenious Creator could orchestrate, I realized that the comfortable, well-planned out life that my husband and I had been working towards was going to be rocked!
I started noticing Bible verses that hadn’t really meant much to me before. I had random visits from people I hadn’t seen in years. I had seemingly dismissible conversations with my husband but couldn’t shake some of the ideas that were being shared. All of these “random” events started revolving around a theme of adoption.

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty good at ignoring things when they make me uncomfortable. Adoption makes me uncomfortable! We already had two kids in middle school, so we wouldn’t be adopting for the sake of creating a family. We already have a family. We already have a full house so it wouldn’t be to fill an empty home. So why did I have this overwhelming feeling that adoption was in OUR future?
The final car-crash moment was on a Sunday morning about four years ago when I arrived at church to hear the testimony of a family sharing their adoption story. The people around me must have thought I was crazy because I just kept shaking my head and looking to the sky. I needed to pursue adoption because God was asking it of me! Not because of any other human reason. God was very clearly speaking to me! Yes me!
I have lived over 25 years as a Christian and have never experienced God like that before. It still brings tears to my eyes because I was reminded so personally of His love and attention for me, His daughter. The choice was now mine: was I going to be obedient?

Fast forward a year later, and my husband and I are waiting for a phone call from the country our adopted kids are currently living, inviting us to come meet them. We have moved into a larger home that has room for up to 3 new kids to join our family. We have opened our hearts and prepared our lives for the joy and turmoil that lies ahead. We have developed a deep understanding of how adoption is the heart of Jesus because He longs to make everyone members of His family. We are on a new life-course with a passion and a conviction like never before and we couldn’t be more excited.
I’m still not sure exactly why God has called us to international adoption but we move forward anyway. We move forward: not because we are ensured success, not because all fear and discomfort has left us, not because it’s easy. We move forward because we KNOW that this is what is being asked of us.
For those of you reading this who aren’t sure if God speaks, ask yourself if you’re taking the time to listen. I’ve missed so much because I’ve glossed over my Bible reading or ignored some thoughts or nudges. Isaiah 1:17 says “Learn to do good” -it’s not natural and won’t always come easy. But if you’re still breathing, God likely has something to say to you!

About the Author:
Trish lives with her husband Mike and 2 boys near Grunthal. She is an avid Netflix-binger and choco-holic. She loves any form of coffee, good food and sitting by campfires with friends.
If you would like to contact Trish, send an email to: contact@lifeculture.ca and put "Trish" in the subject line.